St. Peter's Church, Sudbury

St. Peter’s Sudbury is a magnificent Grade 1 listed church located in the heart of the town centre of Sudbury, Suffolk. It was built in the perpendicular style as a Chapel of Ease to St. Gregory’s, mainly in the 15th Century. In 1971 St Peter’s was closed for public worship and in 1976 it was vested with the Churches Conservation Trust. In the same year the Friends of St Peter’s, Sudbury was formed with the aim of keeping the building open, in good order and enabling its use for the benefit of the community. Today, St. Peter’s offers a wide range of activities throughout the week from a Farmer’s Markets to art fairs and classical concerts. These activities are presently limited by the lack of ancillary facilities (WCs, storage etc.) which also limits the interpretive potential of the Church.

In late 2015, Malcolm Fryer Architects (MFA) were appointed through a competitive process to carry out a feasibility study to provide important ancillary facilities and enhanced interpretation opportunities for the long term sustainability of this important heritage asset. The process was a strong collaborative process between the CCT, the Friends of St. Peter’s, MFA and the many internal and external stakeholders. 

Alongside this feasibility study, MFA were consulted to establish the repair priorities for St. Peter’s in the short, medium and long term as the basis for a Stage 1 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) application.

Project Profile available for print and download here